Sunday, August 9, 2009
can i get a what up.
lol so friday,saturday and part of sunday has been filled up with pokemon.
the other part of sunday was filled up with celebrating national day.
and the after party didnt really work out cos only 2 bros were left after the whole thing.
damn it.
oh yea so about the was cool.
considering we won the photo game.
and i had to tank donuts cos no one really ate the donuts.
but tanking donuts not bad ah,quite fun.
yea so watched the fireworks and the place was damn packed.
rabs sia.
oh ya,i got to mindfucking pictures of trees.
so after that i tried offering the leftover donuts to bangz,
but they declined.
ape seh.
then just went home like good boy ah.
no after party.
|[ Haziq | 8:43 AM ]|