Sunday, July 26, 2009
let me give you a little bit of digital love.
and yes,im tim joe.
not haziq.
but i hear he's awesome.
still awesome.
|[ Haziq | 1:27 AM ]|
Saturday, July 25, 2009
damn it,
i hate this feeling.
|[ Haziq | 9:11 AM ]|
he's just awesome.
he shreds guitars with awesome solos.
but he plays beautiful songs too that just sounds so beautiful.
so hauntingly beautiful that make us all shed a tear.
amazing how music can shape the way you feel.
|[ Haziq | 7:17 AM ]|
Thursday, July 23, 2009
i just checked my new collection playlist and the most coolest and wicked sound, Deuce, is on number 69696969696969.
damn thats cool.
|[ Haziq | 7:55 AM ]|

lol guess what i found
|[ Haziq | 4:56 AM ]|
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
the past few weeks or so have been rather ngiao.
and its still gonna be ngiao.
i have been posting up cool mepz stuff.
so for once,i've decided to post stuffs that are useful to bros.
i repeat bros only.
or wingwomen.
if your mind cannot process these terms properly,
let me refresh them for you.
Tim: Sup Broziq,what is a Bro?
Me: A Bro is a person who would give his shirt to you; if he doesnt want it anymore that is. He will bend over backwards to help YOU bend someone else over backwards. What up!(Gimme 5 bros) Simply put, a Bro is your solid shadow that will never leave you; unless he's got something else going on.
Tim: So, whos my Bro?
Me: Your pizza delivery guy is Bro, your mailman is Bro, and your father was once a Bro, but that doesnt make them YOUR Bro. Only when someone has faithfully upheld one or more of the codes in the Bro Code, then you may consider him as YOUR Bro. But i warn you as a Bro, Tim. Your brother might not be a Bro when you bring home a hot chick.
Tim: Thanks for the ups. So can only dudes be Bros?
Me: One doesnt need to be a guy to be somebody's Bro, provided that they uphold the moral values contained in this sacred book. When a woman sets a guy up with her hot friend, she's ACTING as a Bro. And if she sets him up with other hot friends after he slept with the first one and never called her again( we'll get into this later), then she's OFFICIALLY his Bro.
Tim: Thanks Bro!
Me: Yea,sure thing. You owe me a number.
So thats all for today bros/soon-to-be bros.
I will go further into this holy topic of Bros the next time.
Till then,
Your Ever-Bro-ing Bro,
|[ Haziq | 5:12 AM ]|
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I got the harry potter soundtrack:D
such beautiful music.
|[ Haziq | 12:19 AM ]|
Saturday, July 18, 2009
i have to get the harry potter soundtrack.
like now.
or maybe tomorrow...
damn the music's so beautiful.
so hauntingly beautiful.
|[ Haziq | 7:33 AM ]|
Friday, July 17, 2009
today was a sort of a weird day.
started off with a 2hour plus lecture in school which took three periods.
So we only had a period in the end.
After that, i went for prayers, came back and played G Ball.
G Ball is basketball for gs. the d o double gs.
we played until around 3.30 i think cos we had
to help set up the field for the cdiv team who were going to have a
much at around 4.30. Played touch for awhile,then watched the match.
after the match we played G Ball again and me,shi rui man, B Lee and Jae-stuh
headed to bugis to watch harry potter. Aundrey followed to but he had
to jet early cos he had tuition.
so, before i planned to watch with them,
my parents asked me whether i wanted to go with them.
but my pop was busy so i just followed them in the end.
my mom told me to either watch either the 7.50pm or 8.15pm show
since the movie was around 2 1/2 hours.
But being it was a Friday, the cinema at iluma, bugis was fully booked
for HP:TH-BP. So we jet all the way to bugis junction only to realize that the next available
movie is 9.30. But in the end we bought the tickets.
B Lee had to leave halfway throughout the movie cos he had to rush home.
so the rest of us straightaway jet to the mrt after the movie only
to find that we just missed the last train by a minute or so.
then while the rest had their buses, i couldnt find my buses.
so i walked all the way back home.
just reached home.
that was pretty hardcore.
|[ Haziq | 10:45 AM ]|
Friday, July 10, 2009
me and hakiim got into a fight.
|[ Haziq | 6:57 AM ]|
Thursday, July 9, 2009
i suited up.
and yea this is tim joe yet again.
what up!

|[ Haziq | 2:13 AM ]|
hey this is tim joe here.
and this is me playing guitar hero:world tour, check it out;D
oh yea, and i`m not haziq.
but i hear he's awesome.
|[ Haziq | 1:47 AM ]|
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
waiting for you,but deep down
i know you'll never come.
|[ Haziq | 7:34 AM ]|
eh why my throat got weird feeling
|[ Haziq | 5:59 AM ]|
the feeling`s not reciprocated and i am a fool if i keep thinking it is.
|[ Haziq | 5:24 AM ]|
Monday, July 6, 2009
i guess theres nothing much i can do but forget about you.
|[ Haziq | 7:07 AM ]|
Sunday, July 5, 2009
it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts
haha nice song by angels and airwaves.
|[ Haziq | 9:39 AM ]|
Broken this fragile thing now
And I can't, I can't pick up the pieces
And I've thrown my words all around
But I can't, I can't give you a reason
I feel so broken up
And I give up
I just want to tell you so you know
Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, but there's just no one that gets me like you
You are my only, my only one
Made my mistakes, let you down
And I can't, I can't hold on for too long
Ran my whole life in the ground
And I can't, I can't get up when you're gone
And something's breaking up
I feel like giving up
I won't walk out until you know
Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, but there's just no one that gets me like you
You are my only my only one
Here I go so dishonestly
Leave a note for you my only one
And I know you can see right through me
So let me go and you will find someone
Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, but there's just no one, no one like you
You are my only, my only one
My only one
My only one
My only one
You are my only, my only one
but i am not yours
|[ Haziq | 9:10 AM ]|
3 days in bangkok.
when i came back,everything changed.
|[ Haziq | 8:09 AM ]|
Friday, July 3, 2009
its 4 am in the morning
what am i doing.
eh rhyme sia.
okay bye,im going for a walk.
in my sleep.
|[ Haziq | 1:22 PM ]|