Sunday, February 8, 2009

HELLO people.aliens exist.and so do unicorns.and so does school.
do you know that this post is special?it is related to my blog title:D
it is the 69th post!i've reached the legendary number;P i was 
thinking of deleting a post for every post i write after this,
so as to always keep my posts to a number of
anyway i cant eat as fast or as much as i used to.
due to several reasons.
so i have been slacking and playing ben ten alien force.time for me 
to start on my homework hahahaha.
oh ya,and i was looking at blink 182 vids on youtube
and yknow,alot of people think they're gonna reunite
and some people think the opposite.
so i saw this one comment,which
was kinda cool. lol
read it and you'll know why.

listen to the lyrics of this song.
they were going to get back together before they even broke up.
"Hello there, the ANGEL from my nightmare" Mark (referrring to the future nemesis ANGELS and airwaves.)

"Where are you and I'm so sorry"
Tom (Apologizing for breaking up Blink.)

Destiny my friends.
They will be back.
And ready to blow away our fucking minds.
Just wait.
It will all be here soon.

sweet right?if you dont know,those " " words were from one of their
last songs i miss you.
wtf man! how cool is that.
no matter how unbelievable that may seem to be,
its just so awesome and makes me wanna believe in it.
hahaha. since tom kind of believed in the sci-fi kind of thing.
go listen to their song aliens exist:D

okay bye then friends.

|[ Haziq | 2:47 AM ]|