Thursday, July 31, 2008 has been passing pretty fast.cant wait for the next match.haha yea,so thats pretty much it. besides the usual emo blues.

with peas,
Haziq Hazqi

|[ Haziq | 7:31 AM ]|

Sunday, July 27, 2008

sup,im having a ymc hangover and that sucks.cos im supposed to be mugging.(im mugging!)hahaha.roflcopterlmaololmonster.

well,this still sucks.

|[ Haziq | 4:16 AM ]|

Saturday, July 26, 2008

at last the YMC launch is over.and we managed to do the skit.
lucky never do the original idea of the skit.thank you life.
and sec ones are cool.helped our stuff,now that its over
it feels kind of sad.haha.
back to life,theres test next week.suck.
okay bye,with piss

|[ Haziq | 8:55 AM ]|

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

well,this sucks.

|[ Haziq | 6:41 AM ]|

Sunday, July 6, 2008

sup.ever watched those movies or shows where someone goes "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?" So all i wanna say now is "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?" that was cool.especially the part where someone kneels down and go "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?"why so many whys?cos i have so many questions to ask.tried going to google but they`re not so good at answering my questions.i`m trying to finish my projects now and realize that everythings coming so the fasting bye bye now.i`m gona steal the time machine,or maybe borrow it from phineas and ferb and go back in time to help me buy some time.

Peace-ing off to the past,

|[ Haziq | 8:27 AM ]|

Saturday, July 5, 2008

sigh.match wasn`t so good..still a long way to`s been abit down these days..but well it`s okay.currently feel kinda busted,but healing slowly.lord of the rings currently airing on channel 5,been a long time since i watched it.Nothing much to say actually. YMC was fun,spent 6hrs there.damnnn.mind`s currently blank.feeling lethargic now.

Bye then, peace off.

|[ Haziq | 7:01 AM ]|